Citizens Charter
Citizens Charter


This Charter is a declaration of our commitment, expectations and highest standards with Total Quality, to achieve excellence in Design, Manufacture and Maintenance of Aerospace defence equipment, Software development for Aerospace application and Design Consultancy by managing the business on commercial lines in the most fair, honest and transparent manner, with corruption-free services for the benefit of the Customers who are our partners in progress to ensure safe custody of public money.


We shall accomplish our mission with
  • Absolute integrity and dedication
  • Total customer satisfaction
  • Honesty and transparency
  • Courtesy and promptness
  • Fairness
  • Total quality
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Trust and team spirit
  • Respect for the individual
  •  Humility
  • Compassion
We commit ourselves to do our duty to the best of our ability, integrity and efficiency with the prime motto of fulfilling the customers’, shareholders' and individuals’ requirements and to rise to their expectations and beyond.

Our Expectations

We expect you to
  • Be prompt and reasonable
  • Be fair, honest and transparent in dealings.
  • Adhere to time and delivery schedules
  • Extend your cooperation in all our endeavour
  • Provide us detailed specifications
  • Acquaint us with the systems and maintenance procedures and product performances criterion 
  • Indicate realistic schedule and make prompt payment
  • Comply with the service instructions and timely maintenance procedures.


We shall
  • Strictly adhere to the standards, specifications stipulated in ISO-9001
  • Ensure that our products reflect the state-of-the-art technology and competitive prices
  • Deliver our products as per the agreed delivery Schedules
  • Produce goods and services of the highest standards to fulfill all your requirements
  • Declare that our products have gone through the strictest quality control norms and guarantee the total technical life of the product.
  • Assure you of the highest standard of service and are ever willing to share our knowledge and expertise with you
  • Acknowledge all correspondence from you within ten working days of its receipt
  • Respond to all your communications within twenty working days of its receipt
  • Clear your financial dues within thirty working days from receipt of genuine and bonafide claims
  • Strictly adhere to the delivery schedules committed by us to you
  • Work as an instrument of self-reliance in aerospace defence equipment
  • Strive to attain international standards to become globally competitive. Our R&D efforts should enable us to be a strong force to reckon with in the global scenario
  • Make sincere efforts in meeting all our social obligations towards the community in general 
  • Always strive to maintain cordial relations with the community

Cost and Time

We shall
  • Always be sensitive to our social obligations and maintain the highest ethical standards in all our endeavors, business and economic activities.
  • Always strive to achieve economy in all our products and services without compromising the quality standards.
  • Always remain competitive in the market through continuous improvement in our technology
  • Always strive to reduce the cost and shorten the delivery schedules of our product and services. We shall eliminate wasteful practices and continuously improve in all areas of our work. We shall hold our capital assets in public money in absolute trust and shall commit ourselves to achieve our economic progress competently and in socially acceptable ways.
  • Provide at international competitive prices.

Corruption Free Services

We shall

  •   Adopt systems and procedures which leave no scope for any corrupt practice
  •   Maintain absolute confidentiality of the information/complaints
  •   Believe that means and ends cannot be separated. Good end calls for good means. Good means cannot but lead to good ends. There shall be no need for anyone at any time to offer bribe or any other inducement for doing business with us. We shall promptly and expeditiously enquire into all genuine and legitimate complaints of corruption against any employee of our organisation
  •  Shall always be honest and transparent and would like to be seen as honest. We shall not claim any judicial privilege for our documents and records except in rare cases and that too in the interest of national security.
  •  Shall implement all the policies and directives of Central Vigilance Commission.

Complaints and Grievances

We shall hi
  • Keep our complaint and grievance redressal Machinery open and receptive to you.
  • Acknowledge your complaints and commit ourselves to redress them within a period of thirty working days on receipt of the complaints.
  •  Should you still have any complaint or grievance you may also take up the matter with the designated officer heading the public grievance committee at our corporate and divisional offices List of  Designated Officers.
  •  Acknowledgment of grievances and disposal thereof within 30 days. In case of any complaint or grievance, please take up the matter with the officer nominated by the division for redressal of public grievance in the division.
  • Promptly take action against the complaints by going into the genuineness and roots of the complaints and within a time frame attend to the grievances.

Help Line

  • All our Divisions, Service Stations and Corporate office are ever willing to provide you the help and assistance required in the selection, design, manufacture and maintenance of any of our products and services.
  • We shall equip our public relations department suitably to render you all general information, which is of common interest.
  • You are also welcome to visit us at our website: for immediate help and assistance to meet your product and services requirement.
  • A network of help line personnel will be identified in each division/complex, which will provide immediate assistance in various matters.